Sunday, August 2, 2009


We actually have lots of 'big one's' this year and here is the first... Dylan turned ONE today! I can't believe he has really been here for a year already! It's been so exciting and fun I can barely begin... He has learned so much in the last couple of months, even the last week he seems to have developed so many new skills and expressions. The quick list? Drinking through a straw, twisting lids back on things (in general he is obsessed with putting things where they belong), saying "go in there", "peek-a-boo", "hi" with an adorable little wave, making new sound-effects, constant jabber - and I DO mean constant! Really he has just become more and more awesome, I mean really he is so freakin' cool! I don't know how we got so lucky but I grateful every day and don't know what we would do without him! Here are a few pictures of the big day. I have so much catching up to do so more to come soon.



Annie said...

Happy Birthday Dylan!!!

Beth-you and Dylan look awesome w/long hair. =D

The Busby Family said...

Happy Birthday adorable boy! I'm so glad we share the same birthday. You are such a cutie and you have awesome parents. We love you!

Marge said...

I can't believe he's 1! And I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice YOUR HAIR is long again (welcome back to the cool group =) Good job Mom on getting him to 1.