Thursday, December 18, 2008

My big little Utes fan!

He's little for a football fan BUT such a big boy!! His four month appointment was last week and he weighed in at a wopping 15 pounds! For all of you who understand this, because I didn't before Dylan, here are his's funny how excited I am to see these numbers at each appointment! He is staying fairly consistent, in the 95th percentile for height, 50th for weight and 90th for that gargantuan cranium (movie reference anyone?!?). If only they had a chart for utter cuteness!!


~Lauren said...

HEAD...MOVE!! That is one of my favorite movies:)!! What a little cutie..even with a big head:) All my kids had bigger heads too..they grow into them eventually..or they'll just grow up and "cry themselves to sleep on thier HUGE pillows":)!!! HAHA:P

Alex, Chelsea, and Tessa said...

So I Married An Axe Murderer...I know, I'm awesome.

Krissy said...

I think it's so cute that you take your camera to the Dr. office with you. Um - hello - I'm a picture taking fool and I didn't even think to do that. Super cute!

Leesa said...

He is very cute, but I think my boy can compete with him on the gargantuan cranium, and Coby has the cheecks to go along with it. Happy anniversary!!! I can totaly remember that day. As for my favorite Christmas show, I'd have to say I'm a sucker for all the Christmas Cartoons, I find myself watching them with Taylor.

Abi said...

Man how is it possible that he is getting cuter and cuter?
We love you Dylan!

Jill said...

He would be completely off the charts in the cuteness category! What a babe.