Saturday, May 30, 2009

9 months? Feels like 9 days...

It's amazing to me that little Dilly has been here for as long as I was pregnant with him, that's a year and a half - where did it go? Remember when you were young and everything seemed to take FOREVER? Waiting for summer vacation, driving to Grandma's house, counting down to Christmas, time crawled. Now what feels like moments has been months! I guess it's further evidence that we really MUST take advantage of any and every opportunity, life is short and there is so much we GET to do! When Dylan was just a few days old he was sleeping on Ryan, something that rarely happens now, and Ryan said "this is going to go by so fast, isn't it?" - wow was he right! I try not to miss a moment with this kid because we are so lucky to play with him every day and before long we will be nerdy, embarrassing parents (at least Ryan will be) and he will be off doing his own thing. Has my perspective changed or what?!? I could go on and on but perhaps another day... for now a few pictures of the last month with our little Dillweed, I know it's way more than a few but I couldn't pick!

We love to be outside!! It took him a few times to get used to the swing but he now could chill in it all day, I love the picture where he is watching his shadow. Kiddos are so observant!

Fingerpainting with ketchup and mustard, he loved eating the mustard!

He loves playing in the water! Bathtub, sink, pool, as long as he can splash and get wet. These cute pictures were taken in his birthday suit, for his 9 month birthday.

First taste of gelato, seriously not ice cream, real gelato! It is the best I have tasted outside of Italy. It's called Bella Citta Gelato & Cafe and there is one in Foothill Village and one in Sandy. We are hooked! Not kidding, I looked in our bank account...8 VISITS in May!

All this fun? Plum tuckered out...

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